Schedule of activities:
Due to corona virus most of this week’s activities are canceled.
Our PELC School is closed for this week.
No Choir this week.
No women’s circle this week.
No Wednesday Bible Study this week.
Maria’s Sunday School class Sunday March 22 is canceled.
The office is open.
We will have worship Sunday, March 22, 2020
we ask people to not sit in close proximity. Seating is available for people to leave entire pew spaces between each row. There will be no passing of the peace or passing the offering plate. Offering plates will be in the lobby for those who wish to contribute on their way in or out.
We will have nursery care as usual.
We ask people to make safe prayerful decisions as to what is best. God knows your hearts and that these are unique times.
Our elders will evaluate the week of March 23 and following at the end of this week.